Are You A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

How can you know if you’re a good candidate for dental implants? Missing teeth can be a source of insecurity and a confidence barrier for many people. When you lose a tooth it can lead to changes in your speech, chewing mechanics and even a change in your facial composure.

One of the leading treatments for missing teeth is the use of dental implants. A dental implant is a dental prosthetic comprised of a titanium base root that is surgically implanted into your jawbone. This base is then capped with a composite crown that looks indistinguishable from a natural tooth as well as functions like one. 

Dental implants are a perfect fit for many patients but one must also be aware of some requirements to determine just who is a good candidate for dental implants. 

Before we cover those requirements it is important that you know the full benefits of dental implants and how they can change your smile and self-image in a day. 

Why Dental Implants Are A Good Option

Dental implants have advanced quite rapidly over the years and today we are seeing some of the most advanced technology in implant history. Today’s implants not only replace existing teeth but do it seamlessly, with much less pain, and with natural looks and function. There are many more benefits of dental implants that many people may not be aware of:

  • Your Best Option To Replace Missing Teeth – Most dentists agree that dental implants are one of the most innovative and impactful inventions of the dental industry. Dental implants minimize unintended damage of the surrounding area as they are an exact fit to the missing tooth they are replacing. This leaves zero gaps and does not crowd surrounding teeth like bridges and partial dentures can. Bridges also damage the surrounding teeth as they use them for support of the prosthetic.
  • A Procedure With Very Little Pain – It’s understandable that having a screw implanted into your jawbone sounds torturous and painful. The reality is that the process is relatively tame in terms of the severity of pain. This type of procedure has a high success rate and allows for very little downtime and minimal post-op pain. Each case is different naturally, but most patients experience very little pain and post-op issues. In some cases, patients go to work the next morning with as little as an Aleve or Tylenol.
  • It Can Improve Your Physical And Mental Well-Being – For patients with missing teeth or other severe dental issues, implants can make a huge impact on their life. Implants do not require you to alter your diet, daily routine, or social activities as missing teeth or dentures do. You can eat the foods you want and never have to worry about dentures falling out at dinner with friends. Since implants are a permanent fixture designed to be as strong as teeth and look just as natural you will also feel normal and not have undue stress that can manifest in physical ailments.
  • Implants Are Resilient – Because implants are made of composite material, you will never have cavities again. This, of course, does not mean you can neglect proper oral care as gums still benefit from proper oral care. If you do not practice proper oral care, you can still get gingivitis so you must act as if you have natural teeth and keep up good habits like brushing and flossing daily. Also, just like with real teeth, implants can stain if you do not care for them— so brush and floss regularly. 
  • Implants Strengthen The Jawbone – Implants mimics the root stimulation of the jawbone via osseointegration which means they fuse with your jawbone thus fortifying it. Without stimulation that the implant provides the bone would become soft and eventually disintegrate due to bone atrophy. Implants prevent that from happening and keeps your jaw intact and strong as ever.
  • Implants Guard Existing Teeth – When you just need one tooth replaced, the bridge that replaces that tooth is supported by the surrounding teeth and causes strain on them. Over time that strain causes the teeth to shift and can cause a domino effect of problems. Implants are supported by the jawbone, which is a natural 1:1 replacement thereby leaving healthy teeth undisturbed. 

So, Who Is A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

Is it you? Now that you are informed of the many benefits of dental implants, the focus should be on whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. The only definitive way to determine if you are a good candidate is to visit Dr. Monarres and get evaluated. 

When you come into Stone Ridge Dental, Dr. Monarres will ask you about what you’d like to see in your smile and why you feel implants would be right for you. Together you will come to a conclusion on whether you are a good candidate for dental implants. 

Having an already healthy base level of oral health and general health is of utmost importance for those considering dental implants so Dr. Monarres will inspect your gums, teeth, and jawbone.

In general, Dr. Monarres will evaluate the following issues to come to a decision on whether you are a good candidate for dental implants and then discuss your options from there:

  • Jawbone Health: In order to place an implant in your jaw, Dr. Monarres will need to take an in-depth look at your jawbone to ensure it is healthy and strong enough to accept and bond with the implant. Most likely, imaging of your jaw will be necessary so that a complete image can be obtained before moving forward on a procedure of this nature. 
  • Your Habits: Your habits and lifestyle can have a serious impact on the success rate of dental implant surgery. Smoking is one of the biggest reasons implants fail over time due to its proven effect on the healing process and reduce bone density. Smoking, in general, is a habit that can lead to other unrelated diseases that actually can adversely affect oral health indirectly. It is recommended that if you want implants, your best chance is to begin some type of smoking cessation program at least three months prior to implant surgery. Gnashing or grinding of the teeth is another habit that can chip and weaken teeth, but the good news is there are mouth guards to prevent this. Grinding normally happens at night and is typically a sign of high stress that’s not dealt with when awake. Grinding is particularly detrimental to implants so make sure to take it very seriously if you plan on going with implants. You can try implementing de-stressing techniques such as yoga, meditation, prayer or whatever works for you to decompress.
  • Overall Health:  Your overall health can hamper the healing process after surgery. If you have an untreated ailment or have a condition such as diabetes or anemia, these are conditions Dr. Monarres needs to know about. Your current medications you take also can be a problem if they interfere with the anesthesia or post-op healing. 

Come In And See If Dental Implants Are For You

The only way to know your options is to come in and visit Dr. Monarres for a free evaluation. Our patients are the best part of our job and we treat you as such. When you arrive you are politely greeted by warm staff and pristine offices that make for a pleasant visit. 

We make sure you have plenty of time in your consultation to ask all of the questions that come to mind. Our approach is that when you leave, you should not have any questions that were unanswered. The only thing holding you back from finding out if you are one of those people who is a good candidate for dental implants is to contact us today to book your appointment and brighten that smile!

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