Who Is A Good Candidate For All On Four?

A: Basically, any person that needs to replace all their teeth with dental implants may be a good candidate for All On Four. Now, I mean, there’s many reasons why a person needs to replace all of their teeth. One can be extensively damaged teeth because of decay, gum disease, trauma, failing dentistry, wear, or just old teeth.

Also, patients that don’t have any teeth at all—they’ve been wearing dentures for a long time. Some patients also have tried to keep their teeth healthy, but nothing works. Also, some patients just want to look younger and want a better smile.

You know, the All on Four procedure is for all these people that need a good smile, a healthy mouth, and optimal function. They just want to do it quickly and in an affordable way.

What Are All On Four Dental Implants?

The All On Four dental implant procedure is a marvel of modern dentistry. In a single day, All On Four accomplishes what traditional procedures take weeks to get done and with minimal pain.

The process, unlike other methods, takes a modular approach to replacing missing teeth. Essentially, it replaces an entire arch of teeth with a prosthetic. If this sounds like dentures to you that’s because it basically is—with some key differences.

Unlike a denture, this modular prosthetic is mounted on four strategically placed titanium implants. This prosthetic and the way it is mounted is the defining aspect of All On Four. Just like regular implants, the restorations used are identical to natural teeth—except they won’t decay. That’s because they are made of the most advanced materials that are as hard if not harder than natural teeth. These characteristics allow you freedoms that dentures just can’t offer. Never worry about what you can eat, never experience the embarrassment of dentures slipping out. You’ll never have your jawbone disintegrate because the implants preserve jawbone strength.

Key Benefits Of The Procedure

All on Four is not a temporary solution like dentures and bridges that have to be replaced or retrofit every few years. Once you get All On Four, it’s permanently restored—it’s that simple. All On Four offers several key benefits to your smile:

Immediate Results

There’s no waiting 6 to 10 weeks for your new smile. You’ll walk out the same day with a dramatic new outlook on life because of your new smile.

Improves Your Appearance

All on Four dental implants can roll back the clock up to 15 years on your physical appearance. It preserves your jawbone which prevents that sunken look associated with missing teeth. Wrinkles tend to decrease around your smile as well as bone structure is restored.

Want Corn On The Cob? Eat Corn On The Cob—No Limits On Diet!

Try eating corn on the cob or an apple with dentures—it’s not so easy. You’d be surprised how many of your favorite foods you have to give up with dentures or missing teeth. Since implants function just as strong as natural teeth you can eat what you want, when you want.

It Gives You Your Forever Smile

All on Four dental implants become part of you—literally. There is no taking them out to clean like dentures. Additionally, their lifespan is so long, your implants will likely last a lifetime. They also don’t decay—but maintain good oral health for your gums!

Enhance Your Self-Image

When you have a healthy smile it impacts you emotionally as well. You feel better about yourself and tend to be more outgoing. You’ll have more comfort and confidence when smiling, speaking, and socializing. It does give you a new lease on life and makes you want to live out your goals.

Corrects Health Issues Associated With Missing Teeth

All on Four fosters a healthier mouth as well as a healthier body because it mitigates your chances of periodontal disease. This bacteria-induced disease is a chronic infection that spurs chronic inflammation and can have a domino effect. It has been linked to heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s as well as diabetes, and a host of other conditions.

Easy To Care For

Although dental implants do not decay that doesn’t mean you can stop brushing and flossing. Your new teeth can still stain, and food particles can get stuck in the gum beds. Left untreated those particles can cause serious infections. Fortunately, caring for dental implants is no different than the routine for regular teeth. Brush at least twice daily and floss at least at night before bed.

Why All On Four Instead Of Dentures?

Are you missing one or both arches of teeth? Are you currently struggling with dentures? If you answered yes to either one of those questions—All on Four can be the change you need. Do you hate having to deal with messy denture adhesive? Being forced on to a diet that eliminates your favorite foods because of dentures? Of course, there’s also the dreaded fear of your dentures slipping out while speaking to someone.

Let’s be honest— dentures are nothing more than a last resort solution. They don’t add true to life function, and they aren’t a true custom fit. Think about it, if dentures were a true custom fit, then they wouldn’t have slippage. They wouldn’t impede speech, affect bite, or cause you to bite your tongue accidentally.

All on Four is the perfect and most natural solution that is the next best thing to natural healthy teeth. But how do you know if you’re a good candidate to get this amazing procedure? How do you know that dentures aren’t the only option available for you?

Well, the only real definitive answer comes with a free evaluation by Dr. Monarres. However, there are some basic requirements you must meet to undergo the All on Four procedure.

What Qualifies A Patient To Get The Procedure?

Most patients that come to Dr. Monarres are qualified to get the procedure. That is mainly due to how advanced it is, giving a wider audience the opportunity for a new smile. Older implant methods made the procedure only suitable for a select few. But, with the advancements in implants over the last decade, that has changed. All on Four has played a huge role in that change.

That being said, you can look over this basic guide to get a feel if you might qualify for All on Four. You’ll need:

Relatively Good Health

All on Four is still a surgical procedure and requires you to go under anesthesia. Therefore, qualified patients need to be healthy enough to undergo surgery.

Some medical issues can make you ineligible for this procedure. Issues like diabetes, anemia, and depression could potentially hinder the procedure as well. Additionally, patients that are receiving radiation therapy on their jaw are usually disqualified as well.

No Sign Of Gum Disease

If you’re currently getting treatment for gum or oral disease, you’ll need to correct these conditions before your scheduled All on Four procedure. Gum disease is a high-risk factor for implant failure.

Sufficient Jawbone

Dr. Monarres will do a bone scan to test the density of your jawbone. You’ll need a sufficient amount of jawbone to install implants.

Cease Smoking

Smoking can greatly increase your odds of implant failure—up to three times. At the very least you need to stop smoking three weeks before surgery and throughout the healing phase. We highly recommend smokers to quit altogether as it complicates everything.

Why Choose Stone Ridge For All-On-Four?

Dental implants are performed by dozens of prosthodontists throughout San Antonio. However, very few can match the extensive experience and knowledge of Dr. Monarres. With well over 2,500 successful procedures under his belt, Dr. Monarres is a veteran of the field.

Our state-of-the-art clinic complements the skill and knowledge you receive throughout the process. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today to get your smile back!


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