Prosthodontist Vs. Dentist: What’s The Difference?
Well, here we are—the home stretch towards the end of 2020 and you’re not reading about NYE plans, you’re reading about prosthodontist options. The good news is, the world didn’t end, We avoided a zombie apocalypse, and it’s almost W-2 time. Ah, but don’t expect that refund too soon. We aren’t psychics, merely smile artists—but […]
What To Expect With Dental Implants In San Antonio
Have you been considering getting dental implants in San Antonio and now ready to move forward? If this is you, you probably have about a million questions rummaging around your mind. It may even be making you a bit apprehensive about what the next move is. Wondering what to expect during and after surgery and […]
Dental Implants In San Antonio 101: The Technology
Dental Implants in San Antonio are a common tooth replacement option for patients suffering from missing teeth. Implants have come a long way since the first recorded existence of such a procedure, as early as 2500 BC. Implants back then were extremely crude often made out of everything from gold ligature wire to pieces of […]
Meet Top San Antonio Dentist, Dr. Alfonso Monarres
When choosing a San Antonio dentist, you have many options as San Antonio is the second-largest city in Texas. Having a lot of options is not a bad thing, however, it can also make choosing the best dentist challenging. When you’re seeking out a new dentist, you’re searching for more than someone to provide a […]
Full Mouth Reconstruction By Monarres
We are known as the premier dental practice in San Antonio for full mouth reconstruction. Similarly, San Antonio is known for being a premier destination for its beautiful scenery and many nature trails unique to this area of Texas. People come from all over the world to experience the beauty of San Antonio and the […]
Why It’s So Important To Replace Missing Teeth
There seems to be a lot of questions on social media regarding full mouth reconstruction, missing teeth, and options for when you lose a tooth or multiple teeth. With that being said, we want to address a growing trend in patient awareness that we are concerned about. You see, many patients question or ask us […]
The Dentist San Antonio Residents Trust
When it comes to implant dentistry and other complex procedures that require skilled hands and extensive experience; one dentist stone oak has been privileged to call a resident, is bringing in patients from beyond the San Antonio area. Why Is Dr. Monarres The Most Popular Dentist San Antonio Has Ever Seen? Dr. Monarres of Stone […]
The Effects Of Drinking, Smoking & Genetics On Dental Procedures
Keeping up with a bright, healthy smile takes more effort than a simple brushing routine. No doubt—brushing is very important, but there are other factors that can negatively impact treatment results. Often times these factors can have such a serious impact that dental intervention is required. Having a better understanding of these factors and how […]
Are You A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?
How can you know if you’re a good candidate for dental implants? Missing teeth can be a source of insecurity and a confidence barrier for many people. When you lose a tooth it can lead to changes in your speech, chewing mechanics and even a change in your facial composure. One of the leading treatments […]
San Antonio Residents: 6 Ways Dental Implants Can Change Your Life
A person’s smile is one of the first things we notice when we meet someone for the first time. It may sound shallow, but it’s human nature to notice abnormalities such as crooked teeth, gaps, overbites, and other dental issues. If you know that is what you are noticing when meeting someone, imagine they are […]