How Do I Care For My Dental Implants?

caring for dental implants

So, you’ve invested in your new smile and you are ecstatic about the “new you.” However, dental implants are still a new concept to you and you aren’t sure how to care for them. No worries, because dealing with dental implants is just like dealing with natural teeth for the most part. Bottom line— you […]

Why Not Get Dentures For Missing Teeth?

dental implants San Antonio

We have many patients that call our office asking about a solution for an entire arch of failing teeth. Often many patients assume dentures or bridges are their only solution—they forget about dental implants in San Antonio. However, we always tell patients, if you can avoid dentures and go for implants—it will change your life. Dentures […]

Dental Implants Or Veneers: Which Is Better?

Are you unhappy with your smile and looking for a solution to enhance it? Dental implants and veneers are two popular options that can transform the appearance of your teeth. But which one is right for you? Each is very different regarding the types of smile issues they address. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots […]

How Long Does A Dental Implant Procedure Take?

If you’ve visited our site or social media channels before, you’ve seen some ads or testimonials about getting new teeth in a day. The testimonials are pretty moving, and the outcome is life-changing. However, we get a lot of skeptics that wonder if the “teeth in a day” concept is too good to be true? Is […]

Does The All On Four Process Hurt?

Does The All On Four Process Hurt? Dental patients in San Antonio that are struggling with missing one or both arches of teeth are great candidates for this dental implant technology if: CT scan shows no signs of bone loss They do not have gum disease or recessed gums They do not smoke They are […]

What Is The All On Four Process?

A: The All on Four process is actually simpler than people think— in the hands of a good clinician and a good provider. It’s going to involve diagnosis and treatment planning. After that, the patient will spend one day in the office where the surgical procedure is performed under IV sedation. That same day, the […]

How Is A Prosthodontist Different From A General Dentist?

A: A prosthodontist is a dentist that must undergo additional training. Usually, it’s about 3-4 years of additional training, specifically in the restoration and replacement of teeth. Nowadays, dental implants in San Antonio are one of the main ways of replacing teeth. So, we’re very focused in the replacement of teeth with dental implants. So, […]

What Is The Success Rate Of Dental Implants?

A: Dental implants are extremely successful. You know there’s a tiny margin of variation from patient to patient. But, overall, dental implants are successful 98-99% of the time, which is amazing. It’s probably the highest success rate of anything we do in dentistry. It’s been proven for many decades in a lot of scientific papers […]

What Does It Mean When You Say “Teeth In A Day?”

A: Well, that’s a name universally given to the procedure when somebody gets a new set of teeth with dental implants. They walk into a dental office in the morning, get sedated, and then their natural teeth are replaced with implants. That patient walks out of the clinic later that day with a new set […]

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

A: When we place an implant in somebody’s mouth, in their jawbone, our goal is for that implant to be there forever. An implant is a titanium screw that is inserted into the jawbone and the bone grows around that implant. That implant basically becomes part of that jawbone. Now, on top of that implant, […]

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